Friday, 26 November 2010

Homework - Marking of previous students work

- Firstly read through the mark scheme to get an idea of each level. (Level 1 - 1-15, 2 - 16-30, 3 - 31-45. 4 - 46-60) 
- Then watch all 5 videos
-  Mark each one out of 60 and explain why?

Monday, 15 November 2010

Last Week and Today's Lessons

Last week we looked at the conventions in our genre, which is the vampire genre of horror films. We'll scan in the brainstorm within the week to show our thoughts. We had to start looking at some audience research of films in our genre such as Twilight, to do this we used IMDB's gathered research graphs and analysed them. 

Throughout the week we had to do some research involving some BBFC information about 15 and 18 certificates including what can and can't be shown in them. This research has helped us to start to determine which certificate our film will come under.

Today we started planning our pitch, which we'll complete later on in the week to prepare for our presentation within the next fortnight which will include the research we've done into horror film title sequences to give us a range of ideas we can use as inspiration for our film's title sequence.

Also today was a lot about group work, we decided on the title of our film which is 'Gotcha' and the treatment, which made us think deeply into how we'll portray the opening couple of minutes before concentrating on the conventions and whether we're following them or going against them. 

We watched the first 5 minutes of Saw, 28 Days Later, Halloween and Nightmare on Elm Street which showed us different approaches of title sequences and analysed the purpose of them and how they made the audience feel etc. this helped us to see what a title sequence needs to be effective and intriguing to the audience to make them want to watch the rest of the film.