Today we're looking at the fonts for our titles so we'll be on Photoshop messing around with fonts until we decide on one that we think will work in our film.
Also we've had to change one of our actors, Christie Britton, because she's unable to film with us due to family reasons. So we've got another actor and we need to get her to sign the release form, we changed the actor to Kelsey Clarke she's able and enthusiastic to film with us and filming shall go on as planned though we are minus our vampire so we are going to organise another filming day to accomplish those scenes.
We are in need of finding an older male with an authoritative voice to record the news reporter which will be played over Thomas jogging :)
This is a screen shot of our first attempt at creating our title sequence on iMovie. We have used "red stripe" to put our titles up on the bottom. We are unsure whether this will be the final design for our horror film, but it is an initial idea. :)
Today we found 3 possible fonts for our title sequence from and used them in photoshop to find which one we liked best. We ended up choosing Face Your Fear because it fitted most in the Horror Genre.
We then used this to make a mock title sequence in iMovie as seen above. This really helped us in deciding how to create our final sequence since if we decide to go ahead with our original idea of showing the titles in the film like underneath a foot, or on a leaf, we would have to physically make them like this and film them in. We're unsure whether this would look the best which is why we began experimenting with titles in iMoive.
This is a print screen of our first attempt at creating a soundtrack for our horror film :)
This part of the soundtrack is going to be played at the beginning of the film with a news report being played over the top. We think this will create a good atmosphere for our film as it will then be cut off by static noise as if Daniel, our victim, has lost signal on his radio.
Today we're going over our feedback and seeing if we can correct some of our work to make it more exciting.
The feedback we received was this:
- You will definitely need more shots as they are far too long,. Also, it's a bit boring as there are too many LS and MS; your camerawork needs to be more dynamic so that the sequence is more exciting. Consider using more CUs and ECUs to do this - also POV shots from vampire.
- How are you going to show phone having no signal?
We're currently redoing and correcting the errors we made with the range of shot types etc. to make them more suitable to the sub-genre we're appealing to. This will also make our horror film more exciting and understandable as we realised that our film may be a bit confusing to watch without the POV shots etc.
In today's lesson we'll be listening to sounds and starting to put together our soundtrack as we won't be filming for a couple of weeks so we can correct all of the shots and the script before we film.
Today we were introduced to GarageBand and were taught the basics for example adding in different instruments and how to browse through the different effects that are available to us.
We played around with some of the effects and put them together to see what it would sound like. We were looking for sounds that we could use for our soundtrack on our production and found some interesting ones that we could alter a bit to make them useful to us.
We were also told the dead lines for filming, we have to at least done one shoot before the 14th of February. This is because of last year when too many people tried to take out equipment over the half term and there wasn't enough. The final dead line for our complete film with soundtrack is 31st march.