Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Evaluation Question 3 (Amber)

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our media product was aimed at mostly males, aged 15 - 24.  We gave it a 15 certificate due to what was going to be in our film like violent scene and interpretation of dead bodies. We gave it a 15 because of the idea we had for out film and compared it to  out BBFC research which gave us the basics on what makes the films the rating they get.

15- you was able to to show sexual activity but not in detail, also violence is allowed as long as it doesn't dwell and the pain inflection. It can not promote discriminating behaviour or language, this goes for drug taking too. Threat is allowed as long as it is not sexual, dangerous behaviour like self harming and scuiced shouldn't be dwelled on and weapons shouldn't be promoted to look " cool" Certain swear words are allowed but not obscene words unless they have been justified.
18- Can show most things as 18's are classed as adults and have the right to choose what they want to watch for their own entertainment. However they're certain boundaries like when it has broken the law or when images of sexual scene are too explicit and can not be justified.

Based on this information this is why we gave our film the target audience we did, it helped us think what we could put in to out film and what wasn't allowed. We was influenced greatly by the film 'dawn of the dead' which is rated 18 and so looked on IMDB of the  film.

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