The finished work shows that we can hold a camera steady; most of the shots throughout the assessment are still shots so the camera had to be steady, it took a couple of tries but in the end we had it sorted. It also shows that we can frame a shot appropriately - although to do this we had to use the grid setting on the camera.
In the assessment a range of shots and angles have been used such as Close Ups, Medium Shots, Long Shots, Eye-line Angles and High Angle shots.
On the other hand, not a lot of movement was used throughout the assessment, for example the only movement that was used was tracking. I don't feel like the composition was thought through very well and if we were to film it again we would assure that the composition was planned out in a better way and to make sure that we use a wider range of movement throughout the film because it adds variety and makes the film look more interesting and intriguing because everything would always be on the go.
The rule including giving a bit of head room hasn't been followed very well in the film as when the character's head is chopped off at the top when the camera tracks her whilst she's standing up, this is something we should make sure we stick to when filming something else because it ruins the scene a little bit.
I have shown we can apply the rules of continuity editing by making sure that all of the shots flow together well, without jump shots and bad transitions from shot to shot this was hard to edit in but we all worked well together to make sure that the film flowed really well.
I feel that we used the appropriate editing transitions to put the shots together, I also realise that the use of sound FX helps that to happen as it brings all of the shots together as it plays through the changing of the shots making the shots appear to be very smooth.
I feel that the finished film shows that as a group we can choose appropriate costumes and make up for the film genre, the white walls in the room make the actress stand out which is emphasised by the stripy theme of her clothes. The style of make up helped to add an eerie atmosphere to the film and made the film look more realistic in a way because she had drawings over her face which someone wouldn't normally do which alerts the audience that something's wrong straight away.
I feel that the location we used in the end was right for the shooting we needed to do, although there were some errors, such as the cushions in the bottom left hand corner, and the window you can see a fraction of on the left hand side, I think this ruined the atmosphere a bit as she was meant to feel trapped and you can see there is a window so she could easily get out this shatters the atmosphere we'd been trying to create, as soon as the audience catch on to the errors they won't be interested in the film or get engrossed in it for the rest of the film.
I think we chose an appropriate actor because she looked the part that we wanted the character to look like but she didn't keep a straight face throughout the filming which I think ruined it a little bit because it will bring the audiences attention to the fact she doesn't really act like she's trapped in a room she knows nothing about, I think a different actor/actress could have done a better job because they could have got into the right frame of mind.
I know I contributed my share of input into completing the film because I helped with the initial ideas such as what to do and how we should do it. I also helped with the setting by making sure we didn't have any interruptions whilst filming and did a lot of the final editing including the soundtrack and some of the transitions of the shots. I also changed the image colour of the whole film, distorting the colour and making it an eerie white adding a lot of effect to the film.
I think that there are a few minor changes that could be made to the film such as the composition, with the mistakes with capturing objects that we didn't want to be in shot such as the window and the cushions. There is also one quite big problem which is that the actress swaps between having her sleeve down and her sleeve pushed half way up her arm in the shots.
For my final coursework film I will make sure that the composition is exactly how the group wants it to be and that all of the continuity rules have been followed. I will also make sure that I am more involved in finding the setting and researching places that would suit the style of film, rather than just going along with what other people think is best - to voice my opinion more.
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