Thursday, 7 October 2010

Continuity Exercise :)

We feel that we have achieved continuity editing, with seamless editing after a lesson of putting our clips together. It took a while but we got there in the end! We filmed a master shot just incase one of the seperate shots didn't work out well. 

On the other hand, in some of the shots we have it doesn't look like we have white balanced the camera before shooting, we figured out that the camera was reacting with the lighting in the location we were recording in. 

We have evidenced our skills from last week by following the 180° rule (as shown in the exercise) and the master shot which helped us to make the exercise flow more fluently. 

We framed our shots properly using the sheet we were given for an example of how to shoot it properly. we intended on including six shots, which we did and that gave us a range of shots to choose from for the final cut. 

Our piece has a good pace that is continued throughout the exercise which will keep the audience watching intently. The atmosphere comes along with the pace, because there is continuity it keeps an atmosphere going along during the exercise.

The camera work could be improved by making sure that the white balance is properly set to white just in case, and making sure that the shots are straight and what we want to be the centre of attention should be in the centre of the shot avoiding too much 'dead space' making the audience avert their gaze to another part of the screen. 

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