In our group this week we was filming and editing our preliminary film. We re shot a film called 'The White Room '. It was a possession film and it was rather easy and straight forward when we had found a location for our filming, and some one to play the possessed girl. We ended up filming in the faith room in college, and I ended up being in the film!
Our finished work shows that we are capable of holding a steady shot, and are able to frame the correct shots appropriately. We used a variety of shots in the exercise, ranging from close ups to mid shots this helped reassured us that we knew our shots and the affect some of them had in the film. We also used the grid on the camera to make sure the the shots were following the ' rule of thirds '. We used the grid to also make sure that there wasn't lots of head room left at the top of the shots, and to make sure the shots were more accurate.
Our shots show some continuity errors! D:! in one shot my cardigan sleeve is down, the next shot it is up, an then again the shot after it is back down! We only realized this when we was editing so we didn't really have the opportunity to re shoot the shots! It wasn't a critical error, but at least we noticed it! Apart from this our film does flow together really well, altho I have the stupidest scream! Ha-ha. Also continuity related, we didn't cross the golden mean! Wahooooo! Go us! When we edited it looked pretty good and we have managed to make it flow really well, there is no jump shots and the sound effects are pretty affective.
Our film was based on possession and I think out costume and make up flowed really well and made it look more realistic. we did choose and appropriate setting for our film, it is called the white room we fount a white room to film in so yeah, it was pretty appropriate. I didn't like that fact, I ended up acting! but if I do say so myself, i did a pretty good job!;D. the only thing i would change about my acting is the scream!
To help complete the film, I was in it! Also i contributed to editing, also we sat down and wrote the shot sheets so we knew what shots we needed. We planned it rather well. Improvements for the film could be things like, the continuity error we made, and the scream! we are changing our theme for our last horror film, possession was a bit, boring! We are thinking of doing a slasher film now, and hopefully, our group is staying the same!:)
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